2023 ALEC Bills
- Accessory Dwelling Units Act
- Act to Designate Human Smuggling as a State Crime
- Act to Prohibit State Procurement of Electric Vehicles with Forced Labor Components
- Alternative Investment Transparency Act
- An Act Preventing Breed Specific Regulation and Restrictions on Dog Ownership
- An Act Relating to Prohibiting Contracts or Other Agreements with Certain Foreign-Owned Companies in Connection with Agricultural Land
- An Act to Prevent Lawsuit Abuse Regarding Ethylene Oxide Emissions
- A Resolution Regarding Federal Action to Hold Foreign Polluters Accountable and to Promote U.S. Economic Development
- Career Transparency Act
- Early College Education Program
- Electric Consumer Affordability and Reliability Act
- Elimination of Youth Justice Fines and Fees Act
- Homelessness Crisis Mitigation Act
- Increasing Light-Touch Density Housing Act
- Local Taxpayer Protection Act
- Model Ordinance on Short-Term Rentals
- Model Policy Amending the Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act
- No Government Trespassing Act
- Open Access to Vertiports Act
- Opportunity High School Diploma Program
- Preserving The Environment, Open Spaces, Forests, Livability, and Wildlife Habitat Statute To Regulate Large Scale Solar Plants
- Proxy Voting Integrity and Transparency Act
- Public Community College State Finance Program
- Public Trusts Pledge Prohibition Act
- Regulatory Sunset Act
- Reject CBDCs and Protect Financial Privacy Act
- Resolution Demanding Congress Call the Fiscally Responsible Amendment Convention as Article V Mandated in 1979 Stipulating Ratification by State Convention, where “We the People Rule
- Resolution in Support of Free Market Solutions and Enforcement of Existing Regulations for Uses of Artificial Intelligence
- Resolution in Support of Reforming the Jones Act
- Resolution in Support of Ukraine
- Resolution on Directory Enforcement
- Resolution Supporting Access to Safe and Reliable Payments Systems
- Resolution Supporting a US-Taiwan Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income
- Resolution to Affirm Support for Israel and to Condemn Hamas
- Restrictions on Foreign Acquisitions of Land Act
- Safeguard American Votes and Elections Act
- Savings Incentive Partnership Program
- Statement of Principles on Securing and Protecting Public Utility Infrastructure
- Stop Deepfake CSAM Act
- Stop Non-Consensual Distribution of Intimate Deepfake Media Act
- Taxpayer Dollars Protect Workers Act
- Taxpayer Receipt Act
- Taxpayer Transparency Act
- Teen Social Media and Internet Safety Act
- The Science of Reading Act
- Veterans Justice Act
- Virtually Administered Assessments Act