Elimination of Non-Federally Mandated Benefits Exposed

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The Elimination of Non-Federally Mandated Benefits is a model law listed under ALEC's Health and Human Services Task Force and included in the 1995 ALEC Sourcebook of American State Legislation. ALEC has attempted to distance itself from this piece of legislation after the launch of ALECexposed.org in 2011, but it has done nothing to get it repealed in the states where it previously pushed for it to be made into law.

CMD's Bill Summary

This model law would prohibit a state from providing medical services in their Medicaid programs that are not mandated by the federal government. Many states provide medical coverage that exceeds federal minimums, so such a law would deny needed medical services to those who qualify for their state's Medicaid program.

ALEC Bill Text


This legislation eliminates all Medical Assistance benefits not mandated by the federal government. The chronically needy General Assistance recipient would continue to receive federally man- dated Medical Assistance coverage. All optional services would no longer be made available.

Model Legislation

Section 1. {Title.}

Section 2. {Definitions.}

Section 3. {Restrictions on Medical Assistance Services.} Notwithstanding any provision of this act to the contrary, on and after (insert date), Medical Assistance services for eligible recipients, including chronically needy General Assistance recipients, shall be limited solely to those Medical Assistance services required to be provided by federal law or regulation.

Section 4. {Severability clause.}

Section 5. {Repealer clause.}

Section 6. {Effective date.}

1995 Sourcebook of American State Legislation