Internet Safety Resource Act
Model Bill Info | |
Bill Title | Internet Safety Resource Act |
Date Introduced | December 4, 2024 |
Type | Model Policy |
Status | Draft |
Task Forces | Communications and Technology |
Keywords | Communications and Technology; Education |
Internet Safety Resource Act
Model Policy
(1) Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the words defined in this section have the meaning given.
(a) “Internet” means the combination of computer facilities and electromagnetic transmission media, and related equipment and software, comprising the interconnected worldwide network of computer networks that employ the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol or any successor protocol to transmit information.
(b) “The Department” means The State of [State Name] Department of Information Technology [or equivalent] in consultation with the State of [State Name] Department of Education [or equivalent] and other agencies as appropriate.
(c) “Internet Safety Resource Publication” means a public resource guide that provides information regarding best practices for internet safety and the safe and secure use of digital technologies for children, teens, and their families. The publication may also serve as a resource for educators, counselors, administrators, and other state officials as well as members of the general public.
(2) Internet Safety Resource Publication
(a) The Department shall prepare and publish on its website an Internet Safety Resource Publication as a simple, easy-to-use, general informational source for students, families, and caregivers. The Department may work with the State Department of Education and other relevant agencies to prepare instructional materials, digital applications, guides, and other useful publications based on the Internet Safety Resource Publication and related information.
(b) The Department shall periodically update the Internet Safety Resource Publication and any related information materials or digital applications to reflect changes in technology use, emergent technologies, and new threats to children, teens, and their families.
(3) Requirements of Internet Safety Resource Publication
(a) The Internet Safety Resource Publication shall include, but need not be limited to, common internet safety protocols and technologies to protect an individual’s identity, personal data, and online safety, common time management and healthy behaviors on internet applications and social media; potential risks of social media, including effects on mental health; the permanency of sharing materials online; how to maintain personal security and identify cyberbullying, predatory behavior, and human trafficking on the Internet; and how to report suspicious behavior encountered on the Internet to appropriate authorities.
(b) The Internet Safety Resource Publication shall include how to safely use common Internet applications and technologies, including, but not limited to, maintaining personal security, preventing oversharing of personal information, identifying predatory behavior, and reporting suspicious behavior.
(c) The Internet Safety Resource Publication shall include video and/or written instruction to guide parents in setting-up and managing application installation and time-of-use on minors’ devices that are linked to the parents’ account.
(d) The Internet Safety Resource Publication shall include the benefits of the internet and digital devices and applications. Such information may include career and resume building for future academic or employment opportunities, sharing information with familiar family and friends, and safely connecting with other users with like interests.
(e) Nothing in this statute should be interpreted as the creation of a new mandate or requirement for public school district instruction.
(f) The Department shall adopt rules to administer this section.