Resolution Ensuring Consumer Freedom and Promoting Innovations in Protein

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Model Bill Info
Bill Title Resolution Ensuring Consumer Freedom and Promoting Innovations in Protein
Date Introduced December 5, 2024
Type Model Resolution
Status Draft
Task Forces Energy, Environment and Agriculture
Keywords Agriculture; Business; Health

Resolution Ensuring Consumer Freedom and Promoting Innovations in Protein

WHEREAS, government policies should support, rather than restrict, innovation that increases the availability and diversity of food products available to consumers; and

WHEREAS, diversity in available food products is essential for the health, culture, and economic well-being of the citizens of [STATE]; and

WHEREAS, consumers have the fundamental right to choose from a wide variety of food products that meet their individual dietary needs, preferences, and cultural practices; and

WHEREAS, limiting the use of innovation to increase the availability of certain food products in grocery stores restricts consumer choice and undermines the principles of a free market economy; and

WHEREAS, worldwide protein demand has increased significantly since 2020 and is projected to increase another 50% by 2050; and

WHEREAS, innovation and competition within the food industry are essential for providing high-quality, safe, and affordable food options to consumers; and

WHEREAS, there is a global demand for protein, and nations such as China, Brazil, Israel, and Germany are prioritizing research and development in innovative protein sources; and

WHEREAS, the United States, and [STATE], is a global leader in innovations in new protein and food technologies; and

WHEREAS, food security is national security, and the ability to feed the world equates to the ability to lead the world; and

WHEREAS, misguided legislation that prohibits the development, sale, and possession of certain food products, including innovations in protein, hinders the economy, farmers, manufacturers, and innovation;


(1) Recognizes the vital relationship between food security and national security;

(2) Opposes policies that would restrict food technology, innovation, manufacturing and sale of food and food technology.

(3) Expresses support for the growing American food industry, including innovations in protein such as plant-based, cultivated, and fermented protein sources;

(4) Affirms that:

(A) The United States and [STATE] should continue to be worldwide leaders in innovations in food technology and protein; and

(B) The United States and [STATE] will not stand in the way of innovation when it comes to meeting the worldwide demand for food technology and protein;

(5) Supports policies that promote a free and competitive market for food products, ensuring that consumers have access to diverse and innovative options to meet their nutritional needs and preferences;

(6) Urges state and federal policymakers to consider the impacts on consumer choice and market competition when drafting legislation or regulations related to innovations in food production, labeling, and distribution.