All pages
- "Let Us Vote For A Balanced Budget Amendment" Resolution
- 2010 - 2013 ALEC Bills
- 2012 SNPS Task Force Documents
- 2013 - 2018 ALEC Bills
- 2019 ALEC Bills
- 2020 ALEC Bills
- 2021 ALEC Bills
- 2022 ALEC Bills
- 2023 ALEC Bills
- 2024 ALEC Bills
- 72-Hour Budget Review Act Exposed
- ACCE Model County Code Ordinance
- AIDS Prevention Education Act Exposed
- ALEC's Corporate Slush Fund for Lawmakers' Trips
- ALEC's Model Legislation to Pursue and Control Child Predators Exposed
- ALEC's Statement of Principles on Fixing State and Local Government Defined-Benefit Plans Exposed
- ALEC "Model" Bills
- ALEC & Criminal Justice
- ALEC & Education
- ALEC & Health Care
- ALEC & Immigration
- ALEC & Jobs
- ALEC & Privatization
- ALEC & Tort Reform
- ALEC & Voting Rights
- ALEC & Women and Families
- ALEC & Workers' Rights
- ALEC & the Economy
- ALEC & the Environment
- ALEC 2014 States and Nation Policy Summit
- ALEC Agriculture Principles Exposed
- ALEC Bills
- ALEC Castle Doctrine
- ALEC Energy Principles Exposed
- ALEC Environmental Management and Protection Principles Exposed
- ALEC Exposed
- ALEC Exposed Audio & Video
- ALEC Exposed on SourceWatch
- ALEC Federal Relations Exposed
- ALEC Hard Science Resolution Exposed
- ALEC International Delegates Exposed
- ALEC International Relations Information Exposed
- ALEC Lobbying and Ethics Complaints
- ALEC Model Resolution on Improving Community Supervision Policies and Practices
- ALEC Principles of Legislative Transparency Exposed
- ALEC Principles of Taxation Exposed
- ALEC Resolution on DNA Testing Standards Exposed
- ALEC Resolution on McDonald vs. Chicago Exposed
- ALEC Shoot First Bills
- ALEC Statement of Principles for Teen Use of Social Media
- ALEC Statement of Principles on Repealing and Replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Exposed
- ALEC Statement of Principles on State and Local Government Pension and Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) Plans Exposed
- ALEC Statement of Principles on Surprise Medical Billing
- ALEC Statement of Principles on Toll Roads Exposed
- ALEC Tax Filings
- ALEC Telecommunications Deregulation Policy Statement Exposed
- ALEC on Money & Politics
- ALEC’s Balanced Budget Amendment Policy Exposed
- ALEC’s Corporate Slush Fund for Lawmakers' Trips
- ALEC’s Recommendation for 2009 Transportation Reauthorization Exposed
- A Bill to Ban the Box on Employment Applications Exposed
- A Next-Generation Tax and Expenditure Limitation Act
- A Resolution Concerning Tax Treatment of Affiliated Reinsurance Exposed
- A Resolution Concerning the Use of Credit Information in Personal Insurance Exposed
- A Resolution In Opposition To Mandatory Unitary Combined Reporting Exposed
- A Resolution Regarding Federal Action to Hold Foreign Polluters Accountable and to Promote U.S. Economic Development
- A Resolution Regarding the Regulation of Broadband Information Services in Innovative and Expanding Competitive Markets Exposed
- A Resolution Relating to Residual Markets and Reinsurance Funds Exposed
- A Resolution Supporting Additional Commercial Spectrum Exposed
- A Resolution Supporting the Development of an Updated National Spectrum Policy That Expands Unlicensed Access to Spectrum in the 5GHZ Band to Meet Increased Demand for Wireless Broadband Technologies Exposed
- A Resolution Supporting the Principle of Education Freedom Scholarships
- A Resolution Urging Congress to Reject Windfall Profits Taxes on Energy Companies Exposed
- A Resolution for Government Services to Be Compared to Private Sector Services for Federal and State Grant Money
- A Resolution in Opposition to Discriminatory Food and Beverage Taxes Exposed
- A Resolution on Occupational Licensing and Student Loan Defaults
- A Resolution to Align Pay and Benefits of Public Sector Workers With Private Sector Workers Exposed
- About
- About ALEC
- About ALEC Exposed
- Academic Accountability in Higher Education Act Exposed
- Academic Bill of Rights for Public Higher Education Exposed
- Academic Transparency Act
- Access to Financial Services for Unbanked and Underbanked Consumers Exposed
- Access to Medicaid Act Exposed
- Accessory Dwelling Units Act
- Accountability in Government Amendment to the Constitution of the United States Exposed
- Accountability in Rule Making Act
- Accuracy in Pleading Act Exposed
- Acknowledgement of Paternity Act Exposed
- Act Establishing Foreign Wire Transfer Fees
- Act Providing Incentives for Carbon Reduction Investments Exposed
- Act Relating to Prohibited Applications on Government-Issued Devices
- Act Requiring Approval of State Plan to Implement EPA’s Carbon Guidelines Exposed
- Act Requiring Legislative Approval for Introduction of Nonnative Species Exposed
- Act to Adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Anti-Semitism
- Act to Clarify State Jurisdiction Over Public Lands Exposed
- Act to Create a Feasibility Study on New Nuclear Energy Generation
- Act to Define Clean Energy
- Act to Designate Human Smuggling as a State Crime
- Act to Ensure US Amendments Ratified by Article V State Conventions are a Vote of “We the People”
- Act to Establish Statewide Uniformity for Essential Plastic Regulations
- Act to Establish a Study on the Commercial Application of Existing Technology to Reclaim and Repurpose Nuclear Fuel Rods
- Act to Establish the State Obligation Recovery Center
- Act to Prepare Inmates for Re-entry and the Workforce
- Act to Prohibit Anti-Semitism in State K–20 Educational Institutions
- Act to Prohibit State Agencies from Obligating Effort Requirements
- Act to Prohibit State Agencies from Obligating the State to Federal Maintenance of Effort Requirements
- Act to Prohibit State Procurement of Electric Vehicles with Forced Labor Components
- Act to Prohibit This State's Board of Regents from Investing Public University Trust Funds in Companies Associated with the Government of China
- Act to Provide a Cost-of-Living Adjustment for Taxpayers
- Actual Harms Act Exposed
- Additional Bills Discovered
- Administrative Procedures Act
- Admissibility in Civil Actions of Nonuse of a Seat Belt Act Exposed
- Adoption of the Common Law Act Exposed
- Advanced Voice Services Availability Act of 2007 Exposed
- Affidavit of Mailing Act Exposed
- Affordable, Abundant, Reliable Electricity Act
- Affordable Baccalaureate Degree Act Exposed
- Affordable Health Insurance Act Exposed
- Affordable Housing Construction Stimulation Act Exposed
- Affordable Housing Tax Credit Act Exposed
- After-Market Crash Parts Act Exposed
- Agriculture
- Agriculture Bio-Security Act Exposed
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Alec Exposed
- Alternate Certification Act Exposed
- Alternate Certification for Distance Learning Instructors Act Exposed
- Alternative Certification Act Exposed
- Alternative Investment Transparency Act
- Alternative Method of Court Appearances Act Exposed
- Alternative Teacher Credentialing Act
- Amending Synthetic Drug Control Act Exposed
- Amendments to Product Liability Act Section-by-Section Analysis Exposed
- Amendments to the Act to Prohibit Confucius Institutes in Public Institutions of Higher Education
- Amendments to the Great Schools Tax Credit Program Act (Scholarship Tax Credit)
- Amendments to the Next Generation Charter Schools Act
- American Civics History Initiative Bill
- American Civics and History Act
- America’s Missing Foster Children
- An ACT to Prohibit State Agencies from Obligating the State to Federal Maintenance of Effort Requirements
- An Act Concerning the Release of a Registered Sex Offender into the Community Exposed
- An Act Preventing Breed Specific Regulation and Restrictions on Dog Ownership
- An Act Providing for the Detection and Prevention of Fraud, Waste, Abuse and Improper Payments in State Government Exposed
- An Act Regarding Comprehensive Addiction Recovery Centers
- An Act Regarding Non-Personhood Status for Environmental Elements, Animals and Inanimate Objects
- An Act Regarding Post-Conviction Release on Grounds of Changes in Forensic Scientific Evidence Exposed
- An Act Relating to Bad Faith Claims of Patent Infringement
- An Act Relating to Online Lodging Marketplaces - Establishing Statewide Standards, Protecting Privacy, and Enabling Efficient Tax Remittance Exposed
- An Act Relating to Prohibiting Contracts or Other Agreements with Certain Foreign-Owned Companies in Connection with Agricultural Land
- An Act Relating to Recovery Audits for Government Overpayments of Tax Dollars
- An Act Relating to Recovery Audits for Government Overpayments of Tax Dollars Exposed
- An Act Relating to Unmanned Aircraft Systems - Establishing Statewide Standards, Protecting Privacy, and Ensuring Public Safety Exposed
- An Act Relating to the Creation and Operation of the Commission on Men Exposed
- An Act Relating to the Creation of an Environmental Restoration Accelerator
- An Act Relating to the Reduction of Inequitable Benefits in State Pensions Exposed
- An Act Restraining State and Local Governmental Use of Mobile or Online Software Applications and Electronic Devices Under Control of a Foreign Adversary
- An Act To End Regulatory Criminalization
- An Act To Establish The Criminal Code Recodification Commission
- An Act To Expand The Contours And Applicability Of The Affirmative Defense Of “Mistake Of Law” In Criminal Cases
- An Act to Establish a Cap on Government Red Tape Exposed
- An Act to Establish the Office of Regulatory Management
- An Act to Facilitate the Disclosure of Foreign Grants or Gifts Received by State Agencies
- An Act to Identify and Report Certain Foreign-Related Transactions to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)
- An Act to Prevent Lawsuit Abuse Regarding Ethylene Oxide Emissions
- An Act to Prohibit State Contracts with Chinese Government-Owned or Affiliated Technology Manufacturers
- An Act to Provide Public Information on Convictions of Public Officials Exposed
- An Act to be Amended to ALEC’s Medical Savings Account Bill Exposed
- Anabolic Steroids Control Act Exposed
- Anchors Away Act
- Andy's Law Exposed (Draft)
- Anti-Automated Enforcement Act Exposed
- Anti-Crime (Secured Release) Act Exposed
- Anti-Phishing Act Exposed
- Anti-Skimming Act Exposed
- Anti-Stalking Act Exposed
- Appeal Bond Waiver Act Exposed
- Application Under Article V of the U.S. Constitution to Propose an Amendment to Require Fiscal Limitations and Accountability for the Legislative and Executive Branches of the National Government
- Arizona
- Article V Application for a Federal Fiscal Responsibility Amendments Convention to Curb Runaway Inflation and Restore Fiscal Sanity
- Article V Repeal Amendment Resolution Exposed
- Asbestos Claims Transparency Act Exposed
- Asbestos Litigation Over-Naming Reform Act
- Asbestos and Silica Claims Priorities Act Exposed
- Asbestos in Educational Facilities and/or Public Buildings Act Exposed
- Ask Your Legislator about ALEC
- Ask the Experts
- Asset Forfeiture Process and Private Property Protection Act Exposed
- Associate Physician Act
- Association Health Insurance Standard Model Act
- Assumption of Risk Act Exposed
- At-Will Employment Act Exposed
- Audit Equity and Process Simplification Act Exposed
- Automated Fingerprint Imaging Act Exposed
- Automatic Income Tax Rate Adjustment Act
- Automatic Income Tax Rate Adjustment Act Exposed
- Automatic Juvenile Waiver Act Exposed
- Automobile Theft Prevention Act Exposed
- Award of Attorney Fees to Prevailing Party Act Exposed
- Bail Agent Education and Licensing Act Exposed
- Bail Bond Expiration Act Exposed
- Bail Forfeiture Notification Act Exposed
- Bail Forfeiture Payments Act Exposed
- Bail Forfeiture Relief and Remission Act Exposed
- Bail Fugitive Recovery Persons Act Exposed
- Bailable Offences Act Exposed
- Balanced Budget Amendment Advanced by Compact Exposed
- Bills Affecting Americans' Rights to a Public Education
- Bills Affecting Civil Rights and Our Democracy
- Bills Affecting Human Health
- Bills Affecting Worker and Consumer Rights and More
- Bills Affecting our Water, Air, & Land
- Bills Affecting the Rights of Americans Injured or Killed by Corporations
- Bills about Guns
- Bills related to Guns, Prisons, Crime, and Immigration
- Bills to Create Tax Loopholes or Affect Budgets Etc.
- Biotechnology Resolution Exposed
- Biotechnology State Uniformity Resolution Exposed
- Birth Freedom Act
- Blood Safety Act Exposed
- Bogus Receipts and Universal Product Codes Act Exposed
- Breach of Personal Information Notification Act Exposed
- Brendan Fischer Discusses ALEC
- Broadband Deployment Resolution Exposed
- Broadband Parity Act Exposed
- Broadband Regulation Resolution Exposed
- Broadband and Telecommunications Deployment Act Exposed
- Brownsfields Redevelopment Act Exposed
- Building Life Extension for State Buildings Act Exposed
- Business Activities Tax Simplification Act Exposed
- Business Development for TANF Recipients Act Exposed
- Business Exit Interview Act Exposed
- Business Ombudsman Act Exposed
- Buying Influence
- By-Right Housing Development Act
- CMD's Complaint to the Wisconsin Ethics Board
- Cable and Video Competition Act Exposed
- Campus Anti-Harassment Act Exposed
- Campus Personal Protection Act Exposed
- Cancer Drug Donation Program Act Exposed
- Career Ladder Opportunities Act Exposed
- Career Transparency Act
- Cash Benefits to Unwed Minor Parents Act Exposed
- Castle Doctrine Act Exposed
- Catastrophic Wildlife and Public Nuisance Amendments Exposed
- Channel One Resolution Exposed
- Charitable Organizations Privacy Protection Act
- Charity Health Care Tax Credit Act Exposed
- Charter School Growth with Quality Act Exposed
- Charter Schools Act Exposed
- Child Abuse Investigation Reform Act Exposed
- Child Protection Investigations Reform Act
- Child Relocation Notification Act Exposed
- Child Visitation Dispute Mediation Act Exposed
- Childbirth Protection Act Exposed
- Children's Health Insurance Program Act Exposed
- Chronic Absenteeism Model Policy
- Citizen Only Voting Amendment
- Citizens’ Right to Know: Pretrial Release Act Exposed
- Civic Literacy Act Exposed
- Civil & Criminal Law
- Civil Justice
- Civil Justice Task Force
- Civil Liability for Employers Hiring Ex-Offenders Act Exposed
- Civil Procedure Rule Equity Resolution Exposed
- Civil Rights
- Civil Rights Act Exposed
- Class Actions Improvements Act Exposed
- Climate Accountability Act Exposed
- Clinical Trial and Results Registries Act Exposed
- Closed-Loop Payment Processing System for Marijuana Taxation and Sales
- Collateral Consequences Reduction Act Exposed
- College Funding Accountability Act Exposed
- College Opportunity Fund Act Exposed
- College Savings Account Act Exposed
- Collegiate Learning Assessment Act Exposed
- Collocation and Streamlined Tower Siting Act
- Colorado
- Commission on Economy and Productivity in State Government Act Exposed
- Common Sense in Medicating Students Act Exposed
- Commonsense Consumption Act Exposed
- Community Corrections Performance Incentive Act Exposed
- Community Corrections Performance Measurement Act Exposed
- Community Transportation Corporation Act Exposed
- Comparative Fault Act Exposed
- Competitive Contracting of Public Services Act Exposed
- Competitive Contracting of the Department of Motor Vehicles Act Exposed
- Competitive Private Professional Certification Act Exposed
- Comprehensive Asset Forfeiture Act Exposed
- Comprehensive Legislative Package Opposing the Common Core State Standards Initiative Exposed
- Computer Information Piracy Act Exposed
- Computer Protection Act Exposed
- Computer Spyware Protection Act Exposed
- Concealed Carry Outright Recognition Act Exposed
- Concealed Carry True Reciprocity Act Exposed
- Concurrent Resolution Creating a Special Joint Committee to Develop a Comprehensive Telecommunications Plan for the State Exposed
- Concurrent Resolution Supporting the Re-Empowerment of the States Amendment
- Concurrent Resolution on Energy Taxation in a Competitive Electricity Marketplace Exposed
- Conditional Early Release Bond Act Exposed
- Conditioning Regulation of Non-Pollutant Emissions on Science Act Exposed
- Confidential Reporting Act
- Congressional Delegation Mandate Consultation Act Exposed
- Connecticut
- Consistency in Firearms Regulation Act Exposed
- Constitutional Amendment For Victim's Rights Exposed
- Constitutional Amendment Requiring State Approval for Increases in Federal Debt Exposed
- Constitutional Amendment Restricting the Use of Vehicle Fees and Taxes for Highway Purposes Exposed
- Constitutional Defense Council Act Exposed
- Constitutional Defense Council Legislation Exposed
- Constitutional Guidelines for Punitive Damages Act Exposed
- Constitutional Sovereignty Act
- Consumer Awareness Act on Long-Term Care Inflation Protection Exposed
- Consumer Banking Act Exposed
- Consumer Choice Motor Vehicle Insurance Act Exposed
- Consumer Compensation Fund Act Exposed
- Copycat Product Act
- Corporate Funded Trips for Lawmakers
- Council on Efficient Government Act
- Council on Efficient Government Act Exposed
- Courier Application Services Act
- Course Choice Program Act Exposed
- Credit Articulation Agreements Act Exposed
- Credit Enhancement Loan Act Exposed
- Crime
- Crimes with Bail Restrictions Act Exposed
- Criminal History Record Check for Firearm Sales Act Exposed
- Criminal Intent Protection Act Exposed
- Criminal Justice Data Transparency Model
- Criminal Justice Drug Testing Act Exposed
- Criminal Offense Justification Act Exposed
- Criminal Record Reporting Act Exposed
- Critical Infrastructure Protection Act
- DNA Profiling Act Exposed
- DRAFT Resolution to Promote Public Safety through Just and Reasonable Prison Phone Rates Exposed
- DUI Assessment & Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
- Damages
- Decertification Elections Act Exposed
- Decoding ALEC PR
- Defend the Guard Act
- Defense of Free Market and Public Safety Resolution Exposed
- Deferred Presentment Services Act Exposed
- Defined-Contribution Pension Reform Act Exposed
- Democracy